Greenvale Sports ClubWelcome to our new website. The Greenvale Sports Club operates to advance the interests of football and cricket in Greenvale. The Club is the lessee of the Social Facility and holds the Liquor Licence. To enjoy our facilities you must be a Club Member or be signed into our facility by a Club Member. At our recent Annual General Meeting, Membership fees for the Club for 2011-2012 were set as follows: Full Member, including voting rights | $20.00 | Social Member, this Membership does not include voting rights | $10.00 | Junior Member (this does not include voting rights) | $10.00 |
Do you know that the Club has over 1000 Members. You can be a Member of the Club in one of several ways. All people who play football or cricket with the Greenvale Football and Cricket Clubs have their Membership fees for either a Junior or Social Member of the Sports Club built into their Football or Cricket Club fees. Further, a proportion of the Junior Football Club and Junior Cricket Club Membership is also applied to enable the parents of the Junior player to be a Social Member of the Sports Club. This enables all parents of Junior players to be able to socialise in the Social Club and to comply with the requirements of the Liquor Licensing Laws. If you are not a playing Member (Senior or Junior of the Greenvale Football Club or Greenvale Cricket Club) and if you are not a parent of a Junior Member, you will probably not be a Member of the Sports Club. Contact us to arrange for the payment of your Membership fee.